Pantry moths can often be an alarming and disgusting find in our homes. As their names suggests, these are moths that feed on grains and for that reason tend to be found near our kitchens, pantries, or other food storage areas.
First, a little more info on pantry moths. Pantry moths are whitish, gray in color and the adult moths that are most noticeable to us are about 3/4 inch in length. They live a pretty quick life, going from eggs, to larvae, to adult in about 3 months. Adults live long enough to breed, but that is about it. Their complete lifecycle will not exceed about 4 months. It is the adults that breed and lay their eggs in or near a food source (such as flour, cereal, rice, and other grains) so that the young larvae have an immediate food source to rely on.
Now, let's get rid of those pantry moths! As mentioned above, once pantry moths are diagnosed, you will want to take a few immediate actions.
First, go through your food storage areas and dispose of any grains or foods that you think they could have gotten into. These generally include all previously opened cereals, flours, grains, and even products such as bird seed. If any of these items were sealed tightly in plastic bags or in storage containers of some kind, then you probably don't have to be worried about contamination in this case. Getting rid of all these foods sources here the larvae could be found is an important first step to remedy a pantry moth infestation!
The 2nd step would be to clean and wipe down all food storage areas (such as cupboards and pantry closets) with a soap and water mixture. If you are looking for a little extra "ump", we even have a mild, yet effective moth killer called SLA that works great at penetrating deep into the cracks, crevices, and corners of these same food storage areas! Regardless of whether you use the SLA moth killer or not, you will want to finish with wiping down all shelves, walls, and other surfaces inside of these targeted areas. This effectively kills and removes any eggs or larvae that are hiding in the cracks and crevices, and not inside of a specific food product.
The 3rd step is to place pantry moth traps in clear range of moth activity. We sell several brands of safe and effective pantry moth traps. Because they are made of all natural pheromone lures, these sticky traps are perfect to use near food! These traps last for about 3 months, so you shouldn't have to replace them. Set them near affected areas and the adult moths will be lured to the trap - effectively ending the moth lifecycle. Even if no activity has been noticed right away, you will want to continue with the traps. Again, remember that a pantry moth lifecycle is about 3 months.
The 4th and final step is to store new grains properly. As you repurchase pantry essentials, such as flour, rice and cereal, you will want to store them in tightly zipped plastic bags or, even better yet, plastic storage tubs that have tight fitting lids. These types of barriers will prevent pantry moths from getting into your new products and continuing their lifecycle.
We hope that you enjoyed this helpful tip on getting rid of pantry moths. If you have any questions, please feel free to stop by our Garden Department. The products mentioned in this article can all be found there!
Thanks for reading,
Derek Satterfield